The Truth And Reconciliation Commission
Written and Produced by James Scruggs
Directed by Mark Rayment
Written and Produced by James Scruggs
Directed by Mark Rayment
The American Truth And Reconciliation Commission
will be a performative imagining of what a truth and reconciliation commission would look like if The American Experiment itself was put on trial.
These images and video are from a work in progress excerpt shared online strictly to a limited virtual audience that participated in this one work in progress excerpt.
The piece is written to a truly hybrid work to be performed with a live audience as well as an online audience, both experiencing and interacting with the actors and responding to survey questions. The results of the questions will be shared with the audience moments after their voting.
This work in progress excerpt was commissioned by HERE Art Center, specifically their URHERE online initiative. It was supported with the generous technical donation of CutltureHub, NYC.
will be a performative imagining of what a truth and reconciliation commission would look like if The American Experiment itself was put on trial.
These images and video are from a work in progress excerpt shared online strictly to a limited virtual audience that participated in this one work in progress excerpt.
The piece is written to a truly hybrid work to be performed with a live audience as well as an online audience, both experiencing and interacting with the actors and responding to survey questions. The results of the questions will be shared with the audience moments after their voting.
This work in progress excerpt was commissioned by HERE Art Center, specifically their URHERE online initiative. It was supported with the generous technical donation of CutltureHub, NYC.